Inventory Control

Work Description

Full course name: "Inventory Control Overview." The first working title of the module was "Materials Management" (MM).

This 30-minute module is part of Marshall Institute's e-learning library.

Technology Used

  • Articulate Storyline 360 (e-learning authoring platform)
  • Adobe After Effects (for the explainer video)
  • WellSaid Labs (AI-based voiceover generator)
  • Adobe Illustrator (vector graphics)
  • Articulate Review (for reviews and comments)
  • MS PowerPoint (for storyboarding)
  • Figma Jam (for brainstorming sessions)
  • MS SharePoint (as the project hub)
  • MS Planner (for assigning tasks and tracking project status)
  • Litmos (LMS)

Accessibility Features

  • Closed captions
  • Alt tags for graphical objects and action items
  • Focus order for keyboard navigation
  • Optimal contrast ratio

Project Highlights

>>  A draft outline prepared at the end of the kick-off design session:

>> An explainer video ("horror story" from the outline) developed as an intro to the module:

>> Careful use of on-screen text to highlight key ideas:

>> Visualizing key concepts with charts to help learners make sense of the content:

>> Simple practice exercises to reinforce transfer of knowledge:

>> End-of-module quiz to help learners check their knowledge (and for the company to assess the effectiveness of this learning product):